I made my first two tables while I was an undergraduate and graduate student at the University of Colorado in the '60s.
The top table in the image below uses tiles I made in the summer of 1962 at the Boulder Pottery Lab ( now Boulder Studio Arts https://www.studioartsboulder.org/ ) and a wagon wheel rim my girlfriend (now wife) and I found in our wanderings in the mountains above Boulder. I gave the table to my folks who returned it to us in 1980 when they downsized. We still use it.
I made the bottom table in summer of 1969 before I got serious about writing a thesis. My wife and I found the thin sandstone slabs in an abandoned quarry near Boulder. You could still find wagon wheel rims in 1969 in the hills above Boulder and it was fun to go looking for them. We still use this table as you can see in the pictures above and below.
I liked making tables so much that I considered doing it full time. Sanity prevailed. I completed my thesis in 1971 took a post doc in Germany and went on to become a rocket scientist.
The path back to Boulder took almost 30 years. It went through Hamburg, Baltimore, and Palo Alto. Internal politics in the Palo Alto Lab drove me to look for work in Boulder. I found it at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Phyics (LASP) in 1997.
About 2010 the work (funding) for NASA's Polar project was ramping down and the work (funding) for NASA's MAVEN project hadn't started to ramp up, so I went to half time. It took me several years to find suitable materials and relearn the techniques. In 2013 my wife invited me to participate in an art show she organized for the Western Interior Palentological Society (WIPS), where I found out that I also enjoyed telling strangers about my tables in public settings.
I've now made over 150 tables and sold at many art shows. I have fun making these tables. I would love to make something special for you or sell you one of 20 the currently available tables on wkpaccenttables.com