Dendritic Limestone from Germany

Dendritic Limestone from Germany

When I started making tables, I did not use semi-precious focus stones, just Lyons sandstone from local quarries. My colleague Susan Judy of Stone Quilt Designs suggested I use foucs stones.  I had been going to gem and mineral shows and acquired a few slabs of  the beautiful dendritic limestone featured in the table above.

The first table with dendritic sandstone sold and I bought more.  The table shown above features the last slab I had in my inventory.  It sold this summer at a local art fair in Louisville Colorado.

For some reason slabs of rectangular and irregulaly shaped dendritic limestone are hard to find now. If you are interested in a table featureing this stone let me know at and I'll see what I can find at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show when I'm there next month.

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