Well the covid is over and people are getting out and about. Art fairs are starting up again. I missed presenting my tables at air fairs last year. On reflection however, I didn't miss them that much. I've decided to not participate in art fairs this summer. I haven't decided never to do another art fair. If I decide to do one I'll do a blog post and put up blurbs on facebook and instagram @wkpaccenttables
I'll be showing my tables in my garage/studo as part of Both Boulder Open Studios and the North Boulder Art District sponsored events. These events occur in my driveway at 2296 Kalmia Ave. In Boulder Colorado. I'll be here next on June 4, August 6, September 3, and October 1 from 2PM till dark for the first Friday events, and October 2-3 and 9-10 from noon tilll 6 for the Open Studios tour. The set up for an Open studios event is shown in the picture above.
You can also see my tables at two local galleries.
The two images below are from @thewalnutgallery at 364 Main Street in Longmont and the Boulder Open Studios POP gallery in a lower level space on the Boulder Pearl Street mall, south side, Broadway and Pearl.
In the Walnut Gallery in Longmont

In the POP Gallary on the Pearl Street Mall