This turned out to be an exercise in finding the right base for the top.
The top is made of Native copper in quartz from Michigan ore with Lyons sandstone and black grout. Its surrounded by a used Kentucky whiskey barrel hoop. Its a spectacular top, but the first recycled base I chose for it was a recycled restarant table base colored green shown below. Lots of people were attracted to the top, but the total package wasn't very attractive to anyone but me. One customer asked me to swap out the base for 16" high three rod hairpin legs. I did and she bought it.
I learned two lessons from this experince. Recycled restaraunt table bases are not what my clients are looking for! And green is not a good color for a large bulky base as it doesn't go well with most home decoration.
That said, I still have a couple of slabs of the copper in quartz and a bunch of recycled bases that I could use to make a table top for you.

I found